Win more business faster by sharing your customers' experience and advice

Introducing a unique story playbook for guiding companies through a successful buying and implementation journey


You’re a B2B technology company … and you know the power that customer stories can have on sales.

That's why they're the #1 ask from your sales team.
And you'd love to capture more stories to help you acquire new customers AND retain and sell more to your existing customers. 
But you need to go beyond the traditional case study.
You need to share your customer's experience, best practices and advice for achieving success throughout the B2B buying and implementation journey.

The problem is creating customer stories isn't easy

No Thanks

It's tough getting customers to see the value of sharing their story or to go public with their name

One Shot

You usually only get one shot at interviewing your customer, so you need to get the best story right out the gate


The story has to serve the needs of many stakeholders, including sales, PR, product marketing, content marketing & others

Limited Insights

The person you interview can't always answer your questions or provide the level of depth that you'd like

Restrictive Format

You're forced to leave a lot of story details out because they won't fit in the typical case study format

Limited Resources

You don't have the time and resources to create stories for all your target markets and product lines


And when you look critically at your case studies, you have to admit - they're the same cookie-cutter story told over and over again.

● You have dozens of stories that talk about the company's business goals, problems, solution and results, and they are starting to sound the same for all your customers - AND AS YOUR COMPETITORS!

● You’re missing stories that address the questions, fears and objections needed to move companies off of the status quo and truly differentiate your solution from your competitors.

● You don’t have any stories that help existing customers to learn best practices for operationalizing your solution and maximizing ROI to ensure they renew your solution each year and buy more from you.

The good news is ...

There is now a UNIQUE story playbook for creating more valuable stories for the entire B2B customer journey!

Stories Your Customers Are Excited to Share ...

... because they showcase their experience, thought leadership and advice. 

Stories Both Your Buyers And Customers Crave ...

... because they share best practices for how to achieve their goals as they move through the key stages of the buying and implementation journey.

Stories That Are More Personal, Engaging and Trustworthy ..

... because they leverage your customer's authentic voice.

Stories That Help You Win More Business From New AND Existing Customers!

And I can't wait to share this powerful story playbook with you!


Hi, I'm Gordana Stok

I’ve interviewed more than 1,000 senior business and IT executives about how they make their technology buying decisions - and what they've shared with me is PURE GOLD.

And through all of these interviews, I’ve heard a lot of similarities in the questions that decision-makers ask and evidence they need to move off of the status quo and choose a partner they can trust for the long-term.
What's more, I know first-hand how powerful it is to hear companies articulate their pain-points, needs and solution expectations IN THEIR AUTHENTIC VOICE.
All those voices have inspired me to develop a unique story playbook for capturing more valuable customer stories and evidence for the entire B2B buying and customer journey.

Here's How You Will Transform Your Customer Stories

More Helpful Stories 

Guide companies to make better and faster decisions throughout their buying and implementation journey 

Capture and share the knowledge, experience and advice of your customers at key stages of their journey to help companies make better decisions, reduce uncertainty and enable peer-to-peer learning. 
This includes best practices for getting stakeholder alignment around the problem and solution, implementing and optimizing your solution to ensure maximum user adoption and return on investment, and overcoming common challenges and stakeholder objections.
Create stories for the full technology buying and optimization journey. Or focus on the stages where customer best practices and evidence are most needed.


More Comprehensive and Trustworthy Stories

Use the power of your customer's voice to share more personal, engaging, and trustworthy stories.

It goes without saying that your buyers and customers trust the experience and recommendations of their peers more than the value propositions and claims from solution providers.
That's why the Beyond the Case Study™ story playbook preserves your customer's authentic voice and all valuable insights and evidence shared during the interview.
You'll create a comprehensive "master" story that presents your customer's answers to your interview questions in text or video format, along with an executive summary.
This hybrid case study and Q&A interview story can then be published "as is", as well as easily repurposed in other formats.

More Repurposable Stories

Easily repurpose your customer stories into a variety of sales and marketing assets - without having to interview your customer again!

Your stories will contain comprehensive and detailed insights and evidence, and provide your stakeholders with all the information they need to create supporting assets for their practice areas.
This includes product marketing, growth marketing, account-based marketing, customer marketing, content marketing, corporate communications, sales and customer success.
Customer stories can be easily repurposed into:
● Blogs, ebooks, white papers and how-to tips● Press releases and articles for trade publications● Presentations for webcasts, speaking engagements, customer meetings and user groups● Web testimonials and social posts● And more!


More Actionable Insights

Unlock the insights in your customer stories and turn them into personas and jobs-to-be-done that align your teams.

With each new story, you'll capture more and more insights and evidence about your customers - effectively building a rich research repository. 
Story insights can then be easily turned into actionable personas and jobs-to-be-done that educate and align your teams, and track changes to your customers' needs and priorities over time.
Use the insights to guide your marketing, business development, sales and customer success teams on what information and messages to include in campaigns and programs, and to train new employees.

Story Playbook

From strategy to execution, empower your team with a playbook for creating high quality stories at scale

The Beyond the Case Study™ story playbook includes "just-in-time" instructions, templates and tools for every step in the story creation process. This includes best practices to help your team:
● Create a story strategy and plan aligned with your growth goals● Persuade more customers to share their story ● Determine who is the best person to interview and when● Interview your customers like a pro to capture deeper insights● Write and present customer stories with maximum impact● Repurpose your stories in a wide range of assets● Turn stories into actionable personas 


"Makes it easier for our customers and team."

"Gordana's depth of experience in B2B buyer journey research and content strategy make her uniquely qualified to advise on customer stories. Plus her methodology makes it easier to capture and create really impactful stories. Easier for our team - and customers!"

Andrea Masterton, VP of Marketing, Poka


"It's game changing."

"None of this would be happening without your expertise and guidance. It has super-charged our case study game and given us a clear path forward. It’s surgical and enables us to go from chaos to a clear methodology. It's game changing.”

Ursula Liff, Customer Advocacy Director, Salsify


"It got us to rethink how we tell customer stories."

“Using the customer's voice and video/Zoom recordings and redesigning our case study web pages are just some examples of how we want to transform for greater impact. Plus, Gordana has templates for everything. She's established the best practices to make it easier to change."

Jeannine Mulliner, Director of Content Development, OneSpan


"Insights into the buyer's mind are invaluable."

“But turning those insights into compelling story structures is what sets Gordana apart. After 30 years in the business , it's not often you learn something new. But in working with Gordana, I regularly discover new ways of crafting messages that resonate loud and clear."

David Clark, Sr. Product Marketing Director, CM Labs Simulation


"Messages that resonate with buyers."

"Gordana can capture deep insights about the B2B buying journey and the emotional story behind it from even the most senior business and IT executives. This helps companies to craft messages that resonate with buyers and influence their decision-making process."

Founder, Buyer Persona Institute

There are three ways to work with me

Do It Yourself

Empower your team to create stories at scale using my story playbook and step-by-step tools

Do It With You

Get my coaching and hands-on support as an added service to the story playbook.

Do It For You

Offload your customer stories to me with my turn-key writing and design services.

Stop churning out the same cookie-cutter case studies as your competitors!

Book an exploratory call with me to discuss your customer growth objectives and how my customer story playbook can help.

Thank you!

I will get back to you shortly to set up a time to chat. Looking forward to it! 

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